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Lifting and Rigging Trainings

Rigging is securing the load to enable handling and placement, while opposing gravity to move from one position to another is lifting. With advancement in industrialization, construction industry is expanding. Machinery has decreased manual work and there is need that proper training be provided before using these equipment. There are many incidents of crane and rigging accidents that cause fatality and extensive damage to property. Most crane accidents can be prevented by field personnel following basic safe hoisting and rigging practices.

Benefit of Rigging and Lifting Training

Rigging and lifting training helps employees to prosper and develop their careers while it gives employers a highly skilled workforce and a competitive advantage.

• Refresh rigging knowledge & practices

•  Be aware of proper lifting techniques

•  Safe placement of material to the desired place

•  Identify mechanical & manual material handling

•  Understand hazards and implement control measures

•  Improved ability to implement and realize specific goals as per their designations

•  Increased ability to take decision effectively

•  A “pass-out certificate”

•  An opportunity for placement in leading multinational companies

For Employers, the benefits are

Training helps to lower down

• medical expenses
• liabilities
• workplace accidents
• staff absenteeism
• maintenance costs of equipment
• inefficient use of time and materials
• recruitment expenses


Feel free to contact us for more information.

Why Choose PREM HOLDINGS as your Safety Training Partner:

-Tailored to client’s specific site conditions, work process/equipment, any special and typical site problems being faced at workplace.

-Assessment process at the beginning and at the conclusion of the training program feeds the management with the information of existing caliber and the enhanced knowledge of the participants.

-Training presentation takes help from our in-house animation scenarios for inter-action, discussion/deliberations with participants which enliven the subject – matters in interesting and easily graspable way with rich imports of technical and managerial contents.

-Our training modules are scripted, depicted, narrated and presented by experts with multi-disciplinary qualification and experience at typical/hazardous work-sites which add practical nurture to the training program.

-Case studies of typical, anticipated and actual accidents/incidents/situations with analysis of main points benefit the participants from practical angle.

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