50ton Loadcell repair and calibration

When a client of ours had their loadcell antenna broken and also submerged in the water by accident. They had to have them repaired and they engaged us we delivered the service to our best.
The load cell was opened and had a thorough check where we found water droplets inside the closed casing and the battery casing was found to have been exposed to mold.
We had the load cell repaired with a new unit of battery casing, seals, and antenna. All the screws were also replaced. Following up with the repair we had the loadcell calibrated and returned to the client within 3 days.

The Loadcell antenna was broken

Loadcell internal parts with water exposure

Loadcell internal parts with water exposure

The battery casing was replaced as the battery spring was found to be rusty

Load cell repair services by Prem Holdings
Get in touch with us at sales@liftingandrigging.com.my and ask for loadcell repair services.
We also do calibration for loadcell that are sent for repair or also for the one which is due (expired)
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